About Us

Who is WBSC?
WBSC stand for Webs31 Business Support Centre. Our mission is to help people transform their ideas into businesses and help them take their businesses from one level to another. We know it is not easy to make it in business especially if you are new to business, so we help people who have never run a business before and those who have been in business already.

How do I become a member of WBSC?
If you sign up to any one of our services you become a member of WBSC.

What services do you offer?
Our services range from company registration, branding, marketing and advertising. We also offer free business training to our members.

Why should i become a member of WBSC?
It’s simple, because you will benefit from discounted prices of all our services. You also get free profession advice and guidance from professionals. We help you save money whilst you grow your business.

How do I make payment?
We have limited payment to EFT and website online payment.

Does WBSC offer credit account facilities?
At the moment we do not offer credit accounts but in future we will be able to.

What makes WBSC different?
We understand the frustration that comes with running a business from scratch, we will be able to help you grow your business. We like keeping it simple